Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trunk or Treat! And some chili....mmmm

Ok... so I'm still behind... :-) What's new, right?

We had a Trunk or Treat/Chili cook-off at the church on my BD. It wasn't my first choice on where to spend my big day, but we still had a great time. My contributions to the event were the decorations, which all of you know I LOVE to do (for real!), and my children.... enough said on that one. We had a blast... noise, mess, and all... :-)

These were the centerpieces...

Tables... Brother Johnson, in our ward, works for an event decorating company, so we get all the tablecloths for free.... cool, huh? :-)

Part of the "chili" table..... the white tablecloths were a little brave.

More "chili" table...

Aunt Meg as a "troll".... remember those? :-)

Jen as a princess...

Kaela as a "geisha" pre-makeup..

Liana as a water- fairy-something-or another... She just thought the outfit was cool :-)

Kaela and Liana's friend Brianna as another fairy-something.. again.... cool outfit

Uncle Jake as "Edward Cullen"... Awesome!

What was Mommy thinking? Chili... white onesie.... (sigh) :-)

Elder Ross and Elder Dupont.... awesome guys! They helped me cut all the wires for the centerpiece flowers.... I hope their fingers have recovered! :-)

Token guy in the back.... looking at the camera!

And Seth..... :-) So cute..

It was a huge success! It rained, so we had to move it inside, but nobody seemed to mind. They got lots of candy... which, face it, is all that really matters. :-) We had a ton of fun!

1 comment:

CountessLaurie said...

Oh my heck, HOW did Aunt Meg get her hair to stand up like that? It's awesome! "Edward" looks good too!

(I stumbled upon you hitting the "next blog" button.)