Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grandparents Visit :-)

We all had a great visit with Grandma and Grandpa (Jason's parents) last month. They could only stay for a few days :-(... but we got one good day of "outings" in.

We went to Courtney's for breakfast..... where we had the BEST food. (love that place)

Eden was all smiles while Grandpa was being funny with his camera:

Daddy had the weird "one red eye" thing going on....

The "folks"....

Jena and Seth made straw swords.... Mommy later clogged the vaccuum cleaner with these...:-)

Eden preferred to sit "under" rather than "at" the table...

We went to Home Depot for Grandpa and Daddy fun time.

Hollywood on....

Hollywood off...

Hollywood on again. :-)

Jena and Seth with paint stirrer swords... are we seeing a pattern here? :-) (notice the token guy who's smiling in the background....

I'm actually going to run a little experiment where I see how many people are smiling in the background of the picture....

Then, we went to the park for some kiddie fun time.....it was a GORGEOUS day!

Daddy has fun at the park...

Grandma and Grandpa having fun in their own way.. :-)

Seth helping Eden down the slide.... so CUTE!

Jena can't get high enough on the swing..... she won't truly be satisfied until she had wound the swing around the top pole... :-)


You can do it, Jen!

Eden has to do the "Tarzan Swing" before each and EVERY slide down the slide..


Seth conquers the monkey bars. :-)

We had a great time... but only wish that it had been longer. Kaela and Liana were tracked in... not being ostracized. :-)

Till next time!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love it! Not being ostracized....becuase that's what I was thinking EXACTLY! :o) JK